Open Spendlab


A complete reference guide for Spendlab, the visual-budgeting tool for the grant-funded community.


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Groups & Rows

Spendlab’s interface uses several rows of graphs/trendlines to provide an intuitive budgeting experience. Rows are organized into groups for Funding Sources, People, etc.

Funding Sources

Keep track of your startup funds, grants, donations, and other funding sources with color-coded blocks and trendlines.


Manage how everyone in the lab is being paid.


The Supplies, Equipment, Travel, and Other groups all function in the same way to provide a consistent way to plan your budget.

Indirect Costs

Optionally integrate indirect rates — also known as overhead rates, central office rates, or facilities and administrative (F&A) rates — into your budget.


Define and re-use rates that change over time.


Some useful features that make your Spendlab workflow more efficient.

For monetary values (salaries, funding, etc.), type k for thousand or m for million when editing. For example, 5k becomes $5,000 and 1.2m becomes $1,200,000.

The red ‘Warning’ icon indicates you have run out of money for the selected funding source, and will be visible in the Funding Sources section as well as all of the expenses sections (including People). They also appear when the given funding source has reached its end date.

Hot keys:


Privacy and security is built into the architecture of Spendlab.

Your budget files never travel over the internet, even though the Spendlab software operates in a web browser. All calculations are done on your own computer using modern client-side web technology.

When you click the Save button, your budget is downloaded directly to your computer as a ".htm" file that you can store and share however you’d like. Your data is not stored on our servers.

Spendlab also tries to autosave your most recent budget file in your web browser's local storage as a backup. You can disable this feature by browsing in "private" or "incognito" mode.

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